This was one of my first gigs at BKRY - LOKA’s campaign to promote recycling ('panta' in Swedish).
I was put on this project to consult on how the campaign's concept - to make a dance move out of the act of recycling - would run best in motion. I suggested creating an original song for the campaign - ”The Pant” - and I reached out to a producer friend of mine to make this happen.
I acted as director on set for this film and did the full post-production.
Reflecting on one of my earliest works I now see a lot that could have been improved, but I still like how light-hearted this is :-)
Production Company: BKRY
Art Direction: Oskar Pernefeldt & Linus Bronge
Director: Lamin Cassama
Producer & PM: Henrik Adenskog
DoP: Nils Axman
Edit & Post Production: Lamin Cassama
Colorist: Lamin Cassama
Music by: Oliver Heinänen (@olivermarcusmusic), Olle Skog & Lamin Cassama
Commissioned by LOKA Sweden